Nafa'is al-Usul fi Sharh al-Mahsul (4 vol) نفائس الاصول في شرح المحصول
By: Qarafi, Ahmad ibn Idris (626/1228 - 684/1285) أحـمـد بن إدريـس الـقـرافـي
Nafa'is al-Usul fi Sharh al-Mahsul (4 vol) نفائس الاصول في شرح المحصول
Language: Arabic Hardcover 85.00
Gems of Legal Theory', by Shihab al-Din al-Qarafi (626/1228–684/1285), the great Maliki legal theoretician, in a four volume set, on Sharh al-Mahsul (Usul al-Fiqh of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi).
Topic: Early Work - Usul al-Fiqh - Islamic Law Studies | 9782745131096 |
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Product Details
Qarafi, Ahmad ibn Idris (626/1228 - 684/1285) أحـمـد بن إدريـس الـقـرافـي