Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Arabic Words - Kalimat al-Arabiya Board Book الكلمات العربية 71057 | Arabic and English | Board Book US$5.95 |
First Learning Series Arabic-English: Al-Adad الأعداد 15166 | Arabic - English | Softcover US$8.00 |
First Learning Series Arabic-English: Wasail al-Naql وسائل النقل 15167 | Arabic - English | Softcover US$8.00 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp: A BabyLit® Sounds Primer 75294 | English | Board Book US$9.99 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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74066 | English | Board Book US$12.95 |
72809 | English | Hardcover US$14.95 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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First Learning Series Arabic-English: Al-Adad الأعداد 15166 | Arabic - English | Softcover US$8.00 |
First Learning Series Arabic-English: Wasail al-Naql وسائل النقل 15167 | Arabic - English | Softcover US$8.00 |
Simple First Sounds: Things That go (Sound Boardbook En-Ar) وسائل النقل 72976 | Arabic-English | Boardbook with Sound US$21.95 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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14520 | Arabic - English | Hardcover US$5.00 |
14516 | Arabic - English | Hardcover US$5.00 |
14518 | Arabic - English | Hardcover US$5.00 |
14517 | Arabic - English | Hardcover US$5.00 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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44974 | Arabic | Boardbook US$9.95 |
My First Book Set: First Part Arabic - English مجموعة كتبي الاولى في علبة - عربي انكليزي 16505 | Arabic-English | Hardboard US$17.50 |
My First Book Set: Second Part Arabic - English مجموعة كتبي الاولى في علبة - عربي انكليزي 16506 | Arabic-English | Hardboard US$17.50 |
Words: al-'Ashya' al-Tai Tataharrak Board Book Ar-En الأشياء التي تتحرك 44344 | Arabic-English | Board Book US$4.95 |
Words: al-Fawakih Board Book Ar-En الفواكة 44326 | Arabic-English | Board Book US$4.95 |
Words: al-Khadrawat Board Book Ar-En الخضروات 44327 | Arabic-English | Board Book US$4.95 |
44345 | Arabic-English | Board Book US$4.95 |
Words: Hayawanat Board Book Ar-En الحيوانات 71056 | Arabic-English | Board Book US$4.95 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Slide and Count: Khams Qitat Jamilah خمس قطط جميلة 43439 | Arabic | Sliding Tab Board Book US$7.95 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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A-B-C 26 Jigsaw Puzzles from A-Z (English) 16512 | English | Puzzle Cards US$9.95 |
Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Batbut كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – بطبوط 44033 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah US$13.95 |
Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Dafdu' كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – ضفدوع 44032 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah US$13.95 |
Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو 44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book US$7.50 |
Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه! 44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book US$7.50 |
Simple First Sounds: Things That go (Sound Boardbook En-Ar) وسائل النقل 72976 | Arabic-English | Boardbook with Sound US$21.95 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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45172 | English | Board Book US$8.95 |
Baby Montessori: Big or Small? 45175 | English | Board Book US$8.95 |
45173 | English | Board Book US$8.95 |
45174 | English | Board Book US$8.95 |
Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Batbut كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – بطبوط 44033 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah US$13.95 |
Bath Book and Puppet Loofah - Dafdu' كتاب الاستحمام مع ليفة – ضفدوع 44032 | Arabic-English | Waterproof soft book + puppet loofah US$13.95 |
Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو 44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book US$7.50 |
Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه! 44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book US$7.50 |
Mudhakkirat Tufulati (BLUE) مذكرات طفولتي 41712 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover US$12.95 |
Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK) مذكرات طفولتي 41713 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover US$12.95 |
Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK, w/CD) مذكرات طفولتي 41670 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover + CD US$15.95 |
Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Awlad سجل حياة الطفل للاولاد 43183 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure US$12.25 |
Sajill Hayat al-Tifl lil-Banat سجل حياة الطفل للبنات 43182 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover with Ribbon Tie Closure US$12.25 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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A'shya' Saghirat Jadhaba أشياء صغيرة جذابة 45190 | Arabic | Board Book - Interactive US$9.95 |
Animals Tell Their Stories-Hedgehog (Ar) شكوك القنفذ الوحيد 10811 | Arabic | Board Book US$5.50 |
Animals Tell Their Stories-Nabah the Eager Dog الحيوانات تروي 10812 | Arabic | Shaped Board Book US$5.50 |
Arabic Words - Kalimat al-Arabiya Board Book الكلمات العربية 71057 | Arabic and English | Board Book US$5.95 |
Asdiqa al-Adghal اصدقاء الادغال 81015 | Arabic | Board Book US$10.50 |
Asnan min Hadha? أسنان من هذه؟ 44968 | Arabic | Lift the Flap Board Book US$5.50 |
45172 | English | Board Book US$8.95 |
Baby Montessori: Big or Small? 45175 | English | Board Book US$8.95 |
45173 | English | Board Book US$8.95 |
45174 | English | Board Book US$8.95 |
Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو 44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book US$7.50 |
Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه! 44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book US$7.50 |
Hopper - al-Jaru al-Nattat الجرو النطاط 15968 | Arabic | Board Book US$5.00 |
Hurouf al-Arabiya Board book الحروف العربية 71055 | Arabic | Board Book US$6.50 |
44974 | Arabic | Boardbook US$9.95 |
Lift the Flap: Li-man Hadha: Aqdam man Hadhihi? لمن هذا : اقدام من هذه؟ 44883 | Arabic | Board Book US$6.50 |
Lift the Flap: Li-man Hadha: Audhuna man Hatani? لمن هذا : أذنا من هاتان؟ 44884 | Arabic | Board Book US$6.50 |
Lift the Flap: Li-man Hadha: Dhaylu man Hadha? لمن هذا : ذيل من هذا؟ 44882 | Arabic | Board Book US$6.50 |
15346 | Arabic | Board Book with fabric spine US$5.00 |
Lollipop Book - al-Arqam الأرقام 15965 | Arabic | Board Book US$5.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 1-1: Layla wa-al-Dhib ليلى والذئب 42569 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 1-2: Hansel wa-Ghritel هنسل وغريتل 42570 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 1-3: Sabiyi al-Sukkriah الصبي السكري 42571 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 1-4: Ala al-Din wa-al-Musbah al-Sahriah علاء الدين والمصباح السحري 42572 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 1-5: Al-Dhib wa-al-Jiryan al-Sab'ah الذئب والجريان السبعة 42573 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 1-6: Pinochio بينوكيو 42574 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 2-10: Zahab wa-al-Dibabah al-Thalathah ذهب والدببة الثلاثة 42578 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 2-11: Ju'aydan جعيدان 42579 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 2-12: Bayad al-Thalj wa-al-'Aqzam all-Sab'ah بياض الثلج والاقزام السبعة 42580 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 2-7: Cinderella سندريلا 42575 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 2-8: Rabunzil رابونزيل 42576 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia 2-9: Jamilah wa-al-Wahish جميلة والوحش 42577 | Arabic | Board Book US$3.00 |
Maktabat al-Dhahabia Series - 12 Books - Silsilat: al-Maktabat al-Dhahabia سلسلة المكتبة الذهبية 42581 | Arabic | Board Book US$36.00 Sale Price: US$32.40 |
Mini Movers: Toq! Toq! Ana al-Halzunah طق طق أنا الحلزونة 16149 | Arabic | Hard Board US$5.95 |
Mini Movers: Toq! Toq! Ana al-Sulhufah طق طق أنا السلحفاة 16148 | Arabic | Hard Board US$5.95 |
15665 | Arabic | Shaped Board Book US$3.50 |
12224 | Arabic | Board Book US$4.00 |
6718 | Arabic | Board Book US$2.75 |
6720 | Arabic | Board Book US$2.75 |
6721 | Arabic | Board Book US$2.75 |
6722 | Arabic | Board Book US$2.75 |
6723 | Arabic | Board Book US$2.75 |
Rock n Rattle: Mouse - Jaras Farfur جرس فرفور 40854 | Arabic | Shaped Board Book with Embedded Rattle US$5.95 |
Simple First Sounds: Things That go (Sound Boardbook En-Ar) وسائل النقل 72976 | Arabic-English | Boardbook with Sound US$21.95 |
Slide and Count: Khams Qitat Jamilah خمس قطط جميلة 43439 | Arabic | Sliding Tab Board Book US$7.95 |
Touch & Hear - Kalb Dingo الكلب دنغو 15317 | Arabic | Shaped Board Book US$7.00 |
6490 | Arabic | Board Book US$5.95 |
6493 | Arabic | Board Book US$5.95 |
Wiggle-Waggles: al-Aswadu Shiblun الأسد شبلون 43416 | Arabic | Shaped Board Book US$5.95 |
Wiggle-Waggles: al-Namiru Nammur النمر نمور 43418 | Arabic | Shaped Board Book US$5.95 |
Wobbly Eyes: Pony (sm) المهر فريد 16671 | Arabic | Shaped Board Book US$3.50 |
Words: al-'Ashya' al-Tai Tataharrak Board Book Ar-En الأشياء التي تتحرك 44344 | Arabic-English | Board Book US$4.95 |
Words: al-Fawakih Board Book Ar-En الفواكة 44326 | Arabic-English | Board Book US$4.95 |
Words: al-Khadrawat Board Book Ar-En الخضروات 44327 | Arabic-English | Board Book US$4.95 |
44345 | Arabic-English | Board Book US$4.95 |
Words: Hayawanat Board Book Ar-En الحيوانات 71056 | Arabic-English | Board Book US$4.95 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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T'Choupi #14 Angers Papa and Mama (hc) تشوبي يغضب بابا وماما 40877 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi #15 Swims (hc) تشوبي يسبح 40878 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi #18 Is Polite (hc) تشوبي مُهذَّب 42902 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi #19 Leaves the Lollipop (hc) تشوبي يَترُك المَصَّاصَة 42903 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi #21 Sleeps with Grandpa and Grandma (hc) تشوبي يَنام عِندَ جدَّيه 44879 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi #3 Eats Too Much (hc) تشوبي ياكل كثيرا 40866 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi #4 Celebrates His Birthday (hc) تشوبي يحتفل بعيد ميلادة 40867 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi #8 Doesn't Want to Sleep (hc) تشوبي لا يريد ان ينام 40871 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi #9 Goes to School (hc) تشوبي يذهب الى المدرسة 40872 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi Celebrates His Birthday (hc) تشوبي يحتفل بعيد ميلادة 12489 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi Doesn't Want to Sleep (hc) تشوبي لا يريد ان ينام 12493 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi Eats Too Much (hc) تشوبي ياكل كثيرا 12488 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
T'Choupi Wants to Watch T.V. (hc) تشوبي يريد ان يشاهد التلفزيةن 12491 | Arabic | Hardcover US$6.95 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Bath Book: Disney: Finding Nemo كتاب يسبح: فعندنج نيمو 44016 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book US$7.50 |
Bath Book: Disney: Mickey and Friends كتاب يسبح: ميكي وأصدقائه! 44015 | Arabic | Waterproof soft book US$7.50 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Marmar: Ka'ak Ka'ak (Lrg + CD) مرمر كعك..كعك 44077 | Arabic | Softcover US$13.95 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Maktabati al-Thahabiya (2) Qisas Alamiyah Khalida 14812 | Arabic | Hardboard US$20.00 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Marmar: Ka'ak Ka'ak (Lrg + CD) مرمر كعك..كعك 44077 | Arabic | Softcover US$13.95 |
Mudhakkirat Tufulati (PINK, w/CD) مذكرات طفولتي 41670 | Arabic | Padded Hardcover + CD US$15.95 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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Infant-Toddler 0-3
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72809 | English | Hardcover US$14.95 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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44313 | English | Board Book US$16.50 |
43782 | English | Padded Hardcover US$12.95 |
43781 | English | Padded Hardcover US$12.95 |
Prophet Ibrahim's Search for Allah : Quran Stories for Li'l Buddies (Boardbook) 44538 | English | Board Book US$7.50 |
The Ark of Nuh: Quran Stories for Li'l Buddies (Boardbook) 44329 | English | Board Book US$7.50 |
Infant-Toddler 0-3
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