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My First Big Book: Learn About (4 large books, English-Arabic) تعلم عن

My First Big Book: Learn About (4 large books, English-Arabic) تعلم عن

Language: English-Arabic
Laminated cover and pages

• تَوثيق الصِّله بين الطّفل والكِتاب مُنذ السّنه الأولى من عُمُره.
• رَبط الطّفل بِكِتابٍ صَديقٍ يُرافِقه فى مَراحِل طُفولته المُبكِرة.
• تعريف الطّفل بِمُحيطه من خلال صُوَرٍ طَبيعيّه كبيرة.
• تنميه التّركيز والمُلاحَظه والحَثّ على السؤال وحبّ المَعرِفة.
• اثراء قاموس الطِّفل اللّغوى من خلال لغته الأمّ واللغّه الأجنبيّة.
• اثراء ثقافه الطّفل العامّه من خلال التّبويب التّربوى للكُتُب.

This set of 4 large books is designed to teach, in a step-by-step format, beginning alphabet and numbers with a progression to words and simple math, all in Arabic and English. The shaped books have a cut handle to carry. The colorful pictures start observation at a very young age, then as the child grows the book will encourage further learning in all areas. Laminated pages are washable, durable, and flexible.
Topic: Children's- Early Learning - Ages 0-6 + | 9789953544625 / 9789953544632 / 9789953544649 / 9789953544656 |


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Product Details
Format:Laminated cover and pages
Pages: 4 Books, 14 pp each
Dimensions:28 x 43 cm / 11.25 x 18 inches
ISBN-13:9789953544625 / 9789953544632 / 9789953544649 / 9789953544656
Topic:Children's- Early Learning - Ages 0-6 +

More Information

Learn About: Alphabet, Numbers, Math, Opposites, Motions, Days, Time, Nature, Animals, Flowers, Human Body, People, Clothes, Home Tools, Musical Instruments, Food, Fruitsa, Vegetables, Colors, Shapes, Transportation, Flags, Famous Places.....

• Strengthen the link between the child and books from the first year of life.
• Let child recognize his/her surroundings through big landscapes.
• Promoting child’s concentration and observation.
• Enriching child’s lingual dictionary through his/her native and foreign language.
• Enriching child’s education through the educational classification of the books.

My First Big Book: Learn About (4 large books, English-Arabic)  تعلم عن
  Sale Price: US$21.71

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