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The Art of Reading Arabic: Part 3 فن قراءة العربية : الجزء الثالث
By: Ali, Eman Ahmad Mahmoud إيمان أحمد محمود على

The Art of Reading Arabic: Part 3 فن قراءة العربية : الجزء الثالث

Language: Arabic with En/Ar Explanations

فن قراءة العربية بكلمات قرءانية : الجزء الثالث

هذا الكتاب يحتوى على تدريبات لتيسير قراءة وحفظ سور الجزء الثلاثون من القرءان الكريم (جزء عم) من أول سورة النبأ إلى سورة الناس.

The Art of Reading Arabic Part Three: A companion workbook to 'The Art of Reading Arabic' Parts 1 & 2 – Quran Part 30. This book, although intended as a companion book to the first two parts of 'The Art of Reading Arabic with Quranic Words', may be used independently if the student is currently at this level. It is comprised of exercises in reading and writing phrases and words taken from surahs of the thirtieth chapter of the Holy Quran (Juz’ Amma), It begins with the first surah of the chapter (An-Naba’) and concludes with the final surah (An-Naṣ).
Topic: Learn to Read Arabic - Level 3 - Read Qur'an Words and Phrases | 9786144562215 |

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Product Details
By:Ali, Eman Ahmad Mahmoud إيمان أحمد محمود على
Language:Arabic with En/Ar Explanations
Pages: 156 pp, textbook including exercises
Publisher:Jarir Bookstore USA, 2020
Dimensions:20 x 28 cm / 7.75 x 11 inches
Topic:Learn to Read Arabic - Level 3 - Read Qur'an Words and Phrases

وصف المنتج

نبدأ بتعليم سورة الناس وذلك بالتدريب على قراءة وكتابة كلمات من السورة بطريقة المقاطع.

بعد الإنتهاء من قراءة وكتابة كلمات السورة بإتقان وسهولة نبدأ فى تدريبه على قراءة السورة كلمة كلمة ثم الآية الأولى كاملة مع تكرارها عدة مرات حتى يتقن قراءتها بسهولة ثم يقرأ الآية الثانية عدة مرات ثم يقرأها مع الأولى عدة مرات حتى الإتقان وهكذا.

More Information

The objective of the third book is to operationalize the understanding gained from the previous two books, and to facilitate in reading and memorization of the verses of the Holy Quran. This is achieved through repetition of reading, writing, and through understanding recurring Quranic words and terms. Mastering the lessons will enable the student to read the Qur’an and other classical Arabic text on their own.
Note that the author has provided ‘in context’ translations to English, that is the meaning of the word or phrase when read in the context of the full verse.
First: The student starts by training to read and write words from the surah using the syllables method.
Second: The student ensures letters are pronounced precisely as diacritics indicate, and takes into account light and heavy letters, so that the meanings are clear.
Third: After becoming skilled at reading and writing the words of the surah , repeats to be further master and memorize before moving on.
Fourth: The student learns the five Qalqala letters and how to emphasize and intone.
Fifth: The student learns to define differences between the letters ث – ذ – ظ – ز
Sixth: The student learns letters that are not pronounced at times, in recitation.
Seventh: The student proceeds at an individual pace and moves forward only when the previous skill is mastered. This avoids anxieties that arise when the student is pushed to advance too rapidly. Regardless of speed, the reward is in the learning.

To the Self-Taught Student:
• Second Point: If the student is self-taught and is not a native Arabic speaker, it is suggested they seek a enunciation source and listen carefully to master sounds.
• 4th, 5th and 6th Points: These are more advanced concepts. The student can further studies on these concepts after mastering reading and writing as taught in this series.

The Art of Reading Arabic: Part 3  فن قراءة العربية : الجزء الثالث

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