Min al-Diktaturiyah ila al-Dimuqratiyah من الدكتاتورية إلى الديمقر
By: Sharp, Gene / Translator; Zaideh, Radwan
Min al-Diktaturiyah ila al-Dimuqratiyah من الدكتاتورية إلى الديمقر
Language: Arabic Softcover 8.00
Translated to Arabic, 'From Dictatorship to Democracy: A conceptual Framework for Liberation' by Gene Sharp (B. 1928), based on his study, over a period of forty years, on non-violent methods of demonstration. It is a book-lenght essay on the generic problem of how to destroy a dictatorship and prevent the rise of a new one. Translated into over 30 languages worldwide.
Topic: Opposition to Totalitarianism | 9789953876924 | Arabic Edition of 'From From Dictatorship to Democracy' first published in 1993. Translated by Radwan Ziadeh.
من الدكتاتورية إلى الديمقراطية : إطار تصوري للتحرر
Min al-diktātūrīyah ilá al-dīmuqrāṭīyah : iṭār tṣoūri lil-taḥarrur