Qur'an Tajweed Hafs (Deluxe XL 25 x 35 cm / 10 x 14 in) مصحف التجويد
Qur'an Tajweed Hafs (Deluxe XL 25 x 35 cm / 10 x 14 in) مصحف التجويد
Language: Arabic Hardcover 58.95
مصحف التجويد, كلمات القرآن تفسير و بيان، مع فهرس مواضيع القرآن
A Deluxe size Qur'an with full color coding Tajweed rules and Tafsir wa Bayan - easy to read large font size. Quality binding with beautifully designed hard and heavy duty cover printed on high quality paper. Interpretation of selected words is placed on the margin of each page. Includes useful Indexes. Uthmani script, Hafs narration.
Topic: Qur'an - Mushaf Tajweed + Tafsir wa-Bayan | 9789933423728 | COVER COLORS VARY: May be Red, Blue, Green, Burgandy or Black. If customer has a preference please indicate in comments when checking out. If that color is no longer available an alternative color will ship.